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All of our workshops have the goal of preserving the traditions and crafts of the White Thai ethnic group and sharing this culture with the whole world.

Cooperating with local people at our workshops, we support them by giving additional income and maintaining the value of their skills. We hope that due to our guests' interest in folk crafts, our traditions will be carried on by the younger generation.

Activities should be booked in advance, feel free to contact us for any questions.

Traditional Dance
and Rice Wine party

Traditional Dance and Rice Wine party

One of the most popular forms of folk entertainment in Mai Chau is a traditional dance show. The Xoe Dance of the Thai Ethnic Group has recently been officially recognised as a national cultural heritage. It is a long-standing folk cultural form of the Thai people that has been passed down through many generations. The dance is performed by boys and girls, who hold hands to form a circle and dance together. The musical instruments for the dance include gourd lutes, drums, two-chord fiddles, gongs and cymbals. Traditional songs are part of the show as well as the bamboo dance (nhảy sạp) - a joint game with the audience. Drinking a homemade alcohol during this merriment is a must! "Can" Wine is a speciality of the Mai Chau region. It is different from the strong rice wine which you find in the rest of Vietnam. "Can" Wine is made from glutinous rice, ginger and various other ingredients. The wine is served in a big ceramic jar with long straws. Sitting around the jar and sipping wine through a straw is the perfect way to socialise and exchange impressions of the festivities.

Bamboo weaving

bambok weaving

Vietnam is a country of bamboo. It has been used in Vietnamese daily life since ancient times. From bamboo we make various tools, furniture, and even our houses. Almost every man in a Vietnamese village knows the art of weaving bamboo. Men use thin strips of fresh bamboo and weave light and durable items for use by the family around the house.
We are happy to be able to teach our guests some simple bamboo weaving techniques. The master will help you to weave a fan or a small basket. You can take your product back home as a unique souvenir from the trip. 

Folk games

​Folk games

Folk games are supposed to be interesting for children but in fact this workshop draws people of all ages. Here you will find fun and active games to train your agility and improve your reaction time and accuracy. In the modern world, it's getting more and more difficult to imagine how much joy can be gained from simple outdoor games with bamboo sticks, ropes and stones. So let's forget about technical progress and play the traditional games of the White Thai people!

Fishing with a bamboo stick

Fishing with a bamboo stick

Authentic fishing with a bamboo stick is an activity which is very interesting for children. We will hop on bicycles and ride to a good fishing spot - some of the villagers have fishponds, we will visit one of them. If we get lucky, we will bring our catch to the kitchen and cook it in a local style.

Herbal workshops

​Herbal workshops
Street Vendor Selling Vegetables

Almost every villager in Mai Chau knows the healing qualities of local herbs and plants. It's time to share this knowlege with the world. We have a number of workshops from which you can choose.

- Herbal SPA and Beauty care:
sauna for face, hair, feet and herbal oil massage.

- Herbal secrets for travellers:
you can learn about local herbs which you can use in case you are in need of emergency assistance during your trip. There are herbs to help cure stomach problems, digestive issues, wounds, headaches, high blood pressure, back pain, muscle pain, fever and flu. You can buy nessesary herbs to take with you.

- Vietnamese Herbs and plants in details:
for those who are interested in herbs or currently live in Vietnam we have a more detailed workshop. You will learn about where and when you can find the herbs and the healing qualities of the vegetables you can get at a Vietnamese market. You will also learn about which herbs you can use for dyeing fabric.  

Cooking classes.
Traditional White Thai food

Cooking classes. Traditional White Thai food

At our homestay we have a tradition to gather together in the evening for a Family Dinner. This is the time to share traditional Vietnamese food and your adventure stories with other guests and our family. Before that you can join us in the kitchen and help us with the cooking. You can learn how to make spring rolls or get to know some local vegetables and simple recipes for their preparation. But for real gourmets and those interested in authentic cuisine we have something special - a cooking class on the delicacies of the White Thai people. To buy the ingredients of our dish we will visit the Mai Chau town market. You will learn how to ask for the price and try to learn some Vietnamese numbers. After that we will cook a traditional meal. We will teach you to make either sticky rice in bamboo, sticky rice cakes with banana leaves, colored sticky rice or grilled, stuffed bamboo. This exciting process will end with a meal and local rice wine.

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